"You must learn to understand the secret of gratitude. It is more than just so-called virtue. It is revealed to you as a mysterious law of existence. In obedience to it we have to fulfill our destiny."-Albert Schweitzer
When someone expresses thankfulness, it not only impacts the receiver, but it also has benefits for the one giving thanks. Recognizing the blessings in your life and acting upon them regularly increases your awareness and appreciation. Sharing your gratitude improves your quality of life because it can only result in positive emotions. Learning to appreciate what you have also makes life more valuable and meaningful.
Helpful Tips to Keeping a Gratitude Journal
1-write 3 to 5 lines a day about things you are grateful for.
2-Be specific (narrow down the person, place, action)
3-keep the journal in sight( I keep mine on the kitchen window)
4-share your gratitude with others, encourage them to show gratitude
Robert :)
Great work!
yapping cat