I adore your little pixie & would love it if i could carry her in my pocket & she could be mine! I soooo agree with you about Darcy's walk..you'd have to love this movie & have seen it 100 times to even know what Darcy's walk was. Like mined friends is a good thing to be. Smiles, Susie
I love this fanciful little faerie. I know someone who used to pray every night that when she woke up she would be a faerie. This reminds me so of her.
your baby pixie is absolutely ADORABLE!!! and her collection of little treasures in her little nest is just pretty beyond words!! your art always delight me :)
Dearest Cat and may I add, FABULOUS ARTIST!!! Thank you for coming by to wish me a happy birthday and to indulge in a little frivolousness! I have to celebrate for something, always! :) I really love your little pixie! Beautiful job. Have a marvelous Sunday, Anita
Cat, this one is so sweet. I just love the images that you choose. If these little girls (or their Moms) only knew that their little faces lived on to brigthen someone's day, oh how happy they would be.
awwww she is delightful! I love her sweet face! Hope all is well your way Cat...still settling in the house and my Gothic Arch challenge site seems to be all I find time for art wise these days! :P
I'll shut up now, Lisa