Being new to blogging,I really didn't know what to expect.I actually started my blog months and months ago,never returning or putting in the effort to maintain it.And so when I started listing on Etsy,I thought,why not,it would be a great way to promote my items.Well after weeks of reading blogs and being inspired in unexpected ways,I now have a new outlook on the world of blogging.

After journaling for 20+ years(the old fashioned way),I am now inspired and motivated to journal in this new format.If you knew how much of a computer wiz......I'm not, would be hugely surprised at my new revelation.I am not a world wide web kinda gal ( : but discovering new blogs,full of personal discovery,motivational kindness,and inner exploration,have left me feeling huge amounts of gratitude, for a glimpse into a world apart from mine.Each new discovered blog,like a present,unwrapping it,with the excitement of a child.

You may have noticed I created a "Blog Highlights" section on my side bar.Here I hope to add moving words,found be chance,by those that chronicle tidbits of treasures lives.For me, a gift,
in need of sharing.


Jamie Lott said…
Ooooh I'm glad you and your daughter enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by!

I noticed you put Where The Wild Things Are under Today's Gratitude, does that mean you've seen it? I can't wait to see it but trying to decide if I should go alone or take my 6 yr old to see it!

Nighty Night,

Lisa said…
New to blogging, you'd never know it. You are well rounded and seem to hit on things that we all have forgotten, you give us a nudge in our own direction. Merci, Cat!
amy bell said…
love your blog! so creative.....thank you for adding me! so nice of you....
I love the blog Cat, its wonderful. I am following now. Going to look for your etsy shop to heart it as well.
Have a beautifully creative day!
Witch Hollow Primitives

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