Having a 12 year old at home,I am starting to catch up on some "Raising a teenager" books.Helpful guides to prepare me for the unknown.At the moment I'm reading "Whatever Mom" By Ariel Gore.She's a wonderful writer and in this one paragraph I'm sharing with you,she speaks of time,and the wish we all have,as mothers,that our children would remain forever young,...but knowing deep deep down,moving forward is a journey we must make.
"The fact that the forward motion causes me to,occasionally burst into tears without warning-when I see a kid hiking with his parents or when I realize that I can finally afford that wooden playhouse my daughter no longer wants-suggests to me that the trip is worth while.Tears are rivers that take us someplace.Through the stereotypes and fears,through the grief and magic.Into adolescence."


Brenda LaBell said…
Geee whizzz Cat, I'm going through these emotions all over again, but now with my grandkids. I don't want them to get any older, they are at perfect ages right now 4 and 5!! Sigh

Brenda LaBell said…
Love your new altered art clip board to, very pretty!!!

Debrina said…
Well hello! Caught you on my followers link. Nice to meet you and I see you've found Pania too (or she's found you, lol!). I just love what I'm seeing here, so I've become a follower of you too and I've got you on my BLOGS I LOVE LIST because you're just so damn good! Who could pass up on your blog description for a start. Fairies rock! (I'm a total believer - I've already declared so on my blog)
Anonymous said…
Hi Cat! Thanks for your kind comment. Well, I try to translate every post in english under my spanish version. You must excuse me because my english level is so bad :(
Happy weekend!

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