Keeping Our Children Safe #1

A couple of days ago I watched something that I have not been able to shake off.I watched the first time interview with Jaycee Lee Dugard,the girl that was kidnapped at age 11 and held captive for 18 years.

That night I had trouble sleeping.I couldn't get her sweet face out of mind and all the years she lost to those heartless and soulless monsters.The next morning as I was getting ready to go to work,.. I could hear the news from the other room describing a boy wearing a rocket t-shirt,that had been reported taken by two adult males.On the way to work I started crying,crying for a mother I didn't know,crying for innocence lost,crying for the fear that any child in that situation must go through..My throat closed and I was reminded of the book that I read years ago.."Protecting the Gift" By Gavin Debecker.This book had changed my life in may ways..teaching me that Fear is a good thing.Fear can force us to learn how to protect our children,Fear can hammer into us a feeling in the pit of our stomachs that something is wrong, Fear can help us to focus,and to act,and to answer.When my daughter was young we started monthly safety talk I purchased videos,we roll played,and made a ten minute monthly talk fun but memorable.About a year ago,I stopped doing particular reason..I just became busy with other things..but on that ride to work that morning I knew I had to start out monthly safety talks again..because out of Fear,I refuse to leave my children uninformed and unprepared.

And so for you my friends,..mothers,fathers,grandparents,neighbors..I have decided to start these weekly tips on keeping our children safe.I found an excellent series of short videos that are worth watching and I hope you do.

From :  "Sexual predators are everywhere these days, or at least it seems so. Keeping your kids safe from kidnappers and social deviants is a full time job, and keeping abreast of their tactics and strategies is crucial to your children's survival. Indeed, children today have more responsibility and obligations than ever before and as such have more opportunity for poor decision-making and predators have more opportunity to attack. Because of this increased vulnerability, it is essential that we understand child safety and keep our kids informed about kidnappers and sexual predators.

In this free video series, our expert Karina Fraley will teach you all about keeping your kids safe from predators and kidnappers. She will talk about identifying dangerous strangers, sharing personal information, mall safety, stranger luring kids to their cars, bathroom safety, and Internet safety. She will also talk about trust, getting lost, working kids, and teen drivers."

We have to help each other in keeping our children safe.

They are the most precious,they are our gifts,
and it is our job to learn all we can
to keep them safe.

As always,
thank you so much for stopping by


yoborobo said…
Cat, I know that feeling. We were driving home from the Outer Banks last month and they had electronic signs over the highway announcing an Amber Alert. My heart just sank. Thankfully, that one turned out okay. I have always said that we parents have to be like the Marine Corps, 'ever vigilant.' It doesn't stop when they are older. I am still talking to my high school kids and college kids about staying safe. They love it, of course! LOL!
Give yours a hug from me. They are lucky to have such an amazing mom. xox Pam
Cindy said…
Cat, what a timely post. I was just having this conversation last night with my Dad. He had shared a very sad story with me that was in the news recently. Back when I was in college, my Dad would send me safety reminders (like the talks you have with your daughter) and would label the envelopes - "from the Wise Owl Club".
Today while out shopping with my kids, I was more attentive than I have been in a while.... I'm afraid I was starting to get slack and it was a good wake up call for me. It's sad, but a harsh reality in our world today.
Thanks for sharing the safety videos.
Lori ann said…
this is so SO important Cat. i'm glad you wrote this, there can never be enough reminders.

just this last week there was an arrest on the beach here, a parent reported a suspious person filming children. it was discovered he was a pedophile with a record.

i wrote about this last summer too, i'll have to go look for the post, and maybe repost it again.
Dede said…
Cat thank you for sharing the videos. My daughter will be over today, so needless to say I will be sharing with her. The world sure has changed since we were kids, not for the better.....

Anonymous said…
I remember when my son was about 13 and he didn't come home on the bus, when I drove to school he wasn't there and when I got back home about to call the police, he got off the late bus. I was so mad at him for not calling me, so scared that he was missing, I can so relate to your message. Thankfully he was okay, but even when we think they are older, we still have to worry with this world out there today. xox Corrine (I couldn't watch that interview, don't know how you could get through it!
Maggi said…
Thanks for posting that video. My biggest fear is that one day I'll turn around and Toot will gone. I can't imagine what these parents and children must be feeling. I was flipping through her book the other day and hope to get to read it soon!

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