Meet Wolfy

This is my best friend Wolfy. For 8 years whenever I was home,he was with always with me.My favorite thing was when I was standing and he came up behind me and placed his head in my hand.

He has a flower garden on our sliding glass door because we didn't want him to run into the glass...which did happen once because he used to love to run into the house at 100 mph...

When hubby and I sat outside he always wanted to sit with us,but he was to big for the chair so he settled for jumping on our legs and begging for scratches... 

here he is waiting for a Christmas treat...

and waiting for a story with Joshua...

and having fun with Hannah...

and taking a walk with Hubby...

and getting some sun...

and of course letting me take pictures with him..he was such a ham..

but my all time favorite thing about Wolfy,was the way he looked at me..

A couple of days ago,my Wolfy became sick,from one day to the next he was gone.I dont really want to talk about that part because he was such an amazing friend,that I want to remember him like this.Beautiful and loving and our protector and my four legged son.
Love you Wolfy.

"Long ago God drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. You were never not coming here. This was never not going to happen.” — Elizabeth Gilbert

Here's to making every minute count,


I'm very sorry, Cat. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Wolfy was a sweet dog and he had a great time with you. He'll be in your heart forever.
Sending you a big hug,
CS said…
The loss of a furry family member is so painful. They give us our faithful love and protection. We are blessed to have them in our lives and grieve when they are gone. I am so sorry
Cat...I am so sorry for the loss of Wolfie. Please know I am holding you and your family in a warm embrace; sending you love and support at this sad time. I hope your many beautiful memories of your fur baby bring you a smile and happiness.

Anonymous said…
My heart is breaking for you and your family. We just lost our cat back in December, so, I completely understand what you are all going through. Sending hugs and kisses to all of you!
xoxo Lisa
Sorry to hear about Wolfie. I to understand to well about losing a beloved friend.
Anonymous said…
So sorry Cat. I know all to well how hard it is to lose a beloved companion. My heart goes out to you and the family. Big hugs. xox
Janet Ghio said…
I'm so sorry to hear about wolfie. What a shock for you that it all was so unexpected. Our pets are so important to us and we love them so much.
DollZandThingZ said…
So sorry. He was lucky to have your family and your family was lucky to have him. Sending you loving thoughts. Losing a friend is never easy.
I can tell from Wolfie's kind face that he would have been a devoted friend to your family! And, it's apparent from the photos that he was happy to be part of your a couple of pics he even looks like he is smiling :)
Jackie PN said…
My heart aches for you Cat, I am so very sorry about Wolfie- I can tell that he was deeply loved by his family and that he deeply loved his Family back.
Gale Blair said…
What a beautiful boy! My heart aches for your loss, Cat. I hope you find that your memories of your darling Wolfy only grow stronger and even more sweet. xo
Chris said…
I love all the pics of Wolfy and the stories of his loving funny ways. He was lucky to be your dog, and you were lucky to be his humans. Sorry for your loss, but happy that he blessed you through the years. Sending you a hug~
Amanda Summer said…
Oh my gosh Cat, I am so sorry to hear about your precious Wolfy. He has such a precious expression on his face - I can't imagine how much you must miss your dear companion ~ my deepest sympathies.

Every day I look at my almost 17 year old Mia I am grateful - and amazed - she is still with us.
Mari said…
Dear Cat...I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Wolfy. I hope you find comfort in knowing how blessed you were to have & love each other and in holding your memories of him close to your heart. Big hug to you. xo
Cyndi J said…
I'm so, so sorry. Heartbreaking. I've met Wolfy and he was so sweet and your constant companion.
Jan said…
Beautiful tribute to Wolfy. I can see the love shining out of his eyes and out of your words. I'm happy that you had him, he obviously was a Good Dog.

Still, your post put a tear in my eye, having lost my Sadie a couple weeks ago. I wrote a post for her too. It made me feel a little bit better. She too was a Good Dog.
I'm so, so sorry. What a beautiful guy! It is so hard to lose a member of the family...I'm sending you prayers and hugs. This was a great tribute to Wolfy!

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